Cruceta carries its alternative flamenco to the Festival of Santander

The choreographer and flamenco dancer of Madrid Mariano Cruceta premiered this night in the International Festival of Santander (FIS) its ballet 'In Red', a spectacle of flamenco fusion that mixes the “bata de cola”, the typical flamenco dress with trail, and the “zapateados”, the rhythm created by the steps of the dancer along the music, with the street language of the break-dance to obtain a strange total of a new alternative flamenco.

'In Red' elapses in the unconscious of someone that dreams and thus is explained in the first scene, where the sleepy one appears in a dark setting and demonstrates his musings.
The last creator’s idea, who started his career in the tablaos, typical bars for flamenco performances, and formed his own company six years ago, was first to be an alternative theatre until the interest of the FIS made Cruceta redefine the format, although the result continues being very near what can be found in alternative locations.
The dancer Lola Greco, who in some scenes of “In red” is the protagonist with her “bata de cola”, is the guest artist of this spectacle, in which Cruceta talks of his search of a different and own language of the generations of artists that have preceded him.

On this quest, flamenco singers like José Jiménez 'The Sandwich' (“El Bocadillo”) and his players Carolina Planté (guitar), Bob Benson (bass and percussion) and Israel Jiménez (percussionist) accompany the spectacle in order to preserve the flamenco tradition.
In the remainder you can hear flamenco music, engraved music and also electronic music for a spectacle in which could not lack the new technologies.
Thus, Cruceta dances while its own image is being projected on a screen in one of the moments of this performance that finalizes with the literally naked artist in front of his public before some powerful lights illuminate the setting.
Before tomorrow the curtain of this 55th edition falls, the FIS will close its cycle of dance with 'In Red' with the Royal Philarmonic of London under the baton of Charles Dutoit.