Friday, March 23, 2007

Un Picasso Friday, March 30 Metrópolis Teatro (with José Sacristán and Ana Labordeta) Teatro Liceo 9:00 p.m.

Jeffery Hatcher´s /Un Picasso/, adapted by Nacho Artime. Performers:
José Sacristán and Ana Labordeta. It is well known that one day, during
the infamous Nazi occupation of Paris, Picasso was ¨arrested¨ by a group
of German soldiers upon leaving the restaurant ¨Las Catalans,¨ where he
often ate and hung out with his friends.

The painter is taken to a
basement to be interrogated by an officer of the Ministry of Culture to
identify and certify that three of his paintings are authentic. The
year is 1941 and the genius of Picasso, who would turn sixty the
following day, is not only universally known at this time but also
highly immitated. Picasso is surprised to find that the German officer,
who is an art critic and a fan of his work and knows everything about
him, doesn´t actually want to know the authenticity of the three
¨Picazos¨ but rather wants to have them burned in a massive bonfire with
all of the other ¨degenerate¨ art hated by the landscape painter, Adolf
Hitler. The author uses this as his plot to set up an exciting cat and
mouse chase in which Picasso fights to save both himself and his work.
Truth and lies, art and politics, culture and consumption are all
analized from two different points of view. There is humor, poetry,
theatrics, and a magnificent means for the actors, representing very
different ideals, to shine brightly. We hope to bring spectators closer
to the world of Picasso, his childhood and his fame.

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