Paintball Match

Paintball is the world's fastest growing outdoor and indoor participation sport. It's a combination of childhood "hide and seek" and "tag", but much more sophisticated and challenging!
A group of players (must be 10 years or older) is usually divided into teams varying in size from four or five to as many as 50 or more on a side. Each player is then given a CO2 charged paint marker or "gun" that expels paintballs to mark opponents. For optimum safety, players are supplied with high quality goggles and face masks.
The object of the game is simple! Go out, eliminate your opponents, and capture their flag. But watch out! Because they will be trying to do the same to you.

Paintball is a truly unique sport where women stand equal footing with men. In fact, physical size and strength do not create a star, rather it is your ability to think and react that helps make you the star.

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