Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Presenting an film about the German Democatric Republic police

The filmfestival 100% Europeo in Sevilla presents ´Life of the others´ (Das leben der anderen), a film about the secret police of the old German Democratic Republic, which according to the producer Quintin Berg is a film ´wich will always be emotional and topical´.
According to Berg, this film will be a German candidate for a Hollywood Oscar for ´non-english language film´. It already received 6 candidatures for the award of the European Film Academy (EFA) and in Germany it got 6 more awards in its first year.
The main character of the film from director Florian Henckel von Dommersmark, is a ´highly competent´ oficial of the Stasi, the secret police of the German communist régime, who en 1984 had to guard a prestigious writer and a popular actrice, and it describes how this influenced his life.

Henckel who is now 32 years old, lived in the western part of Berlin when he was a child, but soon his family moved to the eastern side of the country. In the beginning of the film, he describes his own fears at that time.
The director is a ´passionate and nice´ person if it comes to his work which is reflected in the trust he gets from the actors, even though all were veterans and well known.

Berg sais that, as a producer, he always looks for ´the magic of a proyect´, which he found here. The Stasi will always be a very emotional and strong subject as well as young and topical.


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