Monday, September 25, 2006

The spanish alimentation reduces the risk of dying because of a heart attack about ten times.

The risk of dying because of a heart disease is ten times less in Spain then in other european countries like for example in Finland or the Ucraine.

This conclusion which comes from a study presented by the Ministery of Agriculture, Fishing and Alimentation. The study shows that the spanish people consume 30% more fruits then the rest of the european countries and 40% more vegetables; they use 4 times more olive oil and eat 2 times more fish.
The study proofs a co-relation between health and alimentation.

There are as well important differences between the southern and eastern and the nothern and central parts of Spain; the last ones have a quite healthier alimentation. The inhabitants of Castilla y León, País Vasco y Navarra show a lower level of bad cholesterine in their blood and a higher level of good cholesterine then for example the inhabitants of the Canaries, of Andalucía or Valencia.

The spanish people do at least think more and more in the benefits of olive oil, fruits, vegetable and fish....


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